
14 - July - 2022

ME students develop Smart Windows to convert window light into electricity 

ME students develop Smart Windows to convert window light into electricity 

Author: Dr Ramachandran N

A team of final year students of the Mechanical Engineering Department of  Vidya  has built smart windows…

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Hands-on training on IoT and Robotics 

Hands-on training on IoT and Robotics 

Author: Dr. Deepa Mohan

Hands-on training on IoT and Robotics The rise of robotics technology and industry spending provide a great opportunity for those who are interested in artificial …

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Ms Gayathri selected as Lead for Vidya’s Google Developer Student Club

Ms Gayathri selected as Lead for Vidya’s Google Developer Student Club

Author: Dr. Ramani Bai V

Gayathri Satheeshkumar (S6, CSE Dept) is selected as a Developer Student Club Lead in Vidya campus…

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Vidya Skill Center and NSS co-ordinate Integrated Farming works

Vidya Skill Center and NSS co-ordinate Integrated Farming works

Author: Chithra M

To sensitize Vidya students towards agriculture and allied sectors, integrated farming system has been introduced …

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NSS Volunteers get appreciations from Velur Primary Health Center

NSS Volunteers get appreciations from Velur Primary Health Center

Author: Surabhi MS

Vidya always provides an unparalleled forum for our NSS Volunteers to contribute their best to the society.  …

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ME faculty publishes a paper in Springer Journal

ME faculty publishes a paper in Springer Journal

Author: Dr Ramachandran N

A research paper, titled " Digital Interferometric studies of jet impingement cooling system" co-authored by Mr Vibin...

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Exceptional commitment by Vidya Staff during UGC NET Eligibility Test

Exceptional commitment by Vidya Staff during UGC NET Eligibility Test

Author: Surabhi MS

The efforts and attention to detail and laser-sharp focus taken by Vidya staff members have been contributing …

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CE Dept conducts an awareness session on ‘After B Tech (CE) : What Is Next’

CE Dept conducts an awareness session on ‘After B Tech (CE) : What Is Next’

Author: Dr. C. Justine Jose

The Civil Engineering department of VAST organized…

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Participation in paper presentation on Artificial Neural Network

Participation in paper presentation on Artificial Neural Network

Author: Dr. Ramani Bai V

Dr. Ramani Bai V (HoD, CSE Dept)  and Ms Poornima Sankar (M Tech 2018-2020 Batch,  Assistant System …

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Management Review Meeting

Management Review Meeting

Author: Surabhi MS

With an aim to assess the effectiveness of the institution and to highlight the opportunities for improvement, a Management Review (MR) Meeting was held on 08 July  …

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